Sunday, May 4, 2014


Last Sunday, I was gettin' my craft on, when 

dun dun duuuuuun!

I ended up in the ER.

And just what fearsome tool sent me there?

Nooooo, none of these.
Instead, it was my...


Lest you think me a bigger weenie than I am,
I just want to say that 1) rotary cutters are wicked-sharp, and
2) my Sweet Man had to get a BAGGIE
to carry a bit of my sliced-off finger to the ER.


But I made it through the week--
laboriously typing a school essay,
awkwardly showering with a giant Ziploc on my hand,
carefully cooking microwaving dinner --
despite the fact my finger looked like this...

.... and felt like this:

"My finger has a heartbeat."

And that Etsy item I had been working on
 when I cut myself?

 Into the mailbox and on time as promised!

(Thumbs-up back atcha, kitty!)

BUT... there was something I was NOT capable of:
bandaging up my own ouchie.

In fact, when the nurse came into the ER room with a sheaf of papers
and launched into her "wound care" spiel,
I said, motioning to the Sweet Man,
"You better tell him, because I'm not going to do it."

And I managed to get my bandages changed by either my doctor
or the Sweet Man, but this weekend, I was visiting my Mom and Sis.

Fortunately, both are iron-stomached women,
who probably wouldn't have trouble stitching up
 their own gaping wounds
with nothing more than an old school shot of whiskey
and a bullet to bite on.

(Sterile  conditions are for pansies.)

So, when I asked my Sis if she could change my bandages?
Her reply was 
"I'm looking forward to it like a present on Christmas morning."

Just what I wanted! A partially-severed finger!!

While my sister was excited, I was less-than-so,
and I made sure I didn't catch a glimpse of my injured finger
as she worked on it.

But now I've made the switch to Band-aids,
not a half-roll of gauze, so things are looking better.

I even picked up some Doc McStuffins Band-aids
to cheer myself up.

Bonus video:
Parks and Recreation master craftsman Ron Swanson,
a man who would be horrified at my carelessness with my tools,
and who has a problem with Doc McStuffins.


  1. I want to confess that I updated all the people who I had told that my big sissy had to be wheeled into an ER for a cut finger with the information that it wasn't just a cut finger, but she cut off a section of her finger including the nail. I even shared my pictures of the damage that a rotary cutter can do.

  2. AAAAAAHHHHk! Umm, at least you keep your tools sharp.
