Saturday, March 30, 2013

I Only Get High On Life. And Tomatoes.

Last year, I blogged how I may have been a bit slutty when it came to planting tomato seeds
and ended up with a FEW extras.

Driveway of shame!  Driveway of shame!!

So you would think I'd be a little more judicious this year, right?

Think again, tomato slut-shamers!

Oh, I learned to plant only two seeds per container, not four,
But there's still over fifty little seedlings popping up in my indoor greenhouse.

Restraint is for suck-ahs!!!

And speaking of indoor greenhouses...
the Sweet Man is convinced that the feds are monitoring our electricity
and peeking through our windows with binoculars because they think
I'm tending to some homegrown weed.

Well, I'm not, so I thought I'd save the local drug enforcement some trouble
by posting a sign in the window where my grow-lights are glowing:

I figure they can read it with their high-tech drug binoculars,
but here's a close-up for the rest of you:

That should do it!

Btw, that cool font?
It's called "Wizard's Magic," and I got it from this excellent site.


  1. Restraint is for suckahs?

    So ... how many plants can I grab?

    1. A LOT. You can have a zucchini plant, too.
