Saturday, October 27, 2012

Down The Pinterest Rabbit Hole

I've written about Pinterest before,  and since it's my new crazy-obsession,
I thought I'd scour its archives for hours at a time
efficiently find an idea or two for the goody bags I was making for some friends.

Let's see what I put together, shall we?

I started with these wee mummy pumpkins:

They were fast and easy to make with my modifications;
you can check out this entry to see how to do them.

Next, I made these super-cute little jack-o-lantern "seeds", 
which are just orange Tic Tacs in their original container with an added Halloween label:

Here's the original Pin complete with a printable label;
the Sweet Man blanched at all that black ink required, so I made my own with this graphic.

Also, I thought the black kitty was a nice shout-out to my own dear Jackie-Cat,

Next!  Spooky eyes!

Now, for the original Pin,
the crafter said she fed Christmas lights through the toilet paper rolls.
The pin I saw said to use glow sticks. (They're tied with the purple ribbon to the TP roll.)

Also, I would try out one or two before committing to making a bunch.
I was at a Trunk or Treat last night and my neighbor, (a sister Pinterest addict aficionado)
was having trouble getting these to sit right.

And if you decide to give some?
 You might want to make directions like I did, and cover the TP roll with black paper. 
Getting a regular TP roll in gift bag could be kinda weird.

To the pattern!

Shiny Happy World has all kinds of patterns, including some for free.
I included this elegant witchy embroidery pattern in a nice big envelope.

Here's the original Pin; she has other Halloweeny stuff there, too.

Here's something fun and easy:  spiral ghosts!

They look like a snail when flat, but when you string them up?
They spin and move in a very satisfying way:

It was hard to get a picture of these guys, since they really move in the wind.

The original Pin said to use poster board,
but the Sweet Man had some vellum to share.  It was nicely translucent for these ghosts.

For both the witch and the ghost, I used some big envelopes I snagged from the staff lounge
(teachers are always doing stash purges),
and stickers I bought from a favorite Etsy shop of mine, waddlinonion.

When it came time to bag all these up, I knew exactly what I was going to use.
Check out this freakin' adorable witchy goody bag!

Don't you just loooove it?  I know I do.
The original crafter didn't have a pattern, but it was pretty easy to figure out.

If you're making some of your own, here's some tips:

1) A standard bag is 6 inches across, so two rows of lace will require a foot per bag.

2) After I punched the holes in the stockings, I backed them with crepe paper to make the purple polka dots.  The crepe paper was forgiving, and easy to glue.

3)  I didn't have big letter stamps for the "Eeek!",
so I made my own with some DIY stamp stuff I had stuck on the end of a wooden dowel.

According to Pinterest, if you don't have the DIY stamp stuff you can use craft foam.

Let me just say, the original crafter? 
Made over SIXTY of these bags for her kids' classrooms.
Kudos to you, Crafty Lady.  


They weren't too difficult, but they did take a bit of time.

So, how does everything look, all together?

Pretty amazing, if I do say so!

Interested in more Halloween ideas?
Check out my Halloween and Day of the Dead board on Pinterest!


  1. Thanks for sharing my Eyes in the Bushes project!

  2. Wow! You did awesome with the witch leg treat bags! They are so cute! Thanks so much for the link and sharing!

    1. And thanks for the great idea! Like I said in my post, I am impressed that you made SIXTY of these! Your kids' classmates must have thought you were the coolest mom ever. :)
