Friday, April 6, 2012

What's Going On In My Greenhouse?

It's Friday, and I have the day off!

What's on my To Do list?

First, I need to take everything out from under my 
kitchen sink, and try to figure out where the water drips are coming from.

Oh, hideous kitchen tile.  You WILL be a future demolition project.

Next, I need to bury the poor roadkill bunny from in front of my house.

RIP, little bunny.
I'm sorry people up the street drive so fast.

For something a little cheerier, I need to check how many people
are reblogging and liking my Philly Justice Confessions submission:

This... is a hard one to explain.  How about you just head over to Hulu
and let the hilarious Amy Poehler do the story (Philly) justice?

Now, it's time to head upstairs and scope out my seedlings.
As I detailed in my last post,
I'm experimenting with different containers for starting seeds.

But before I check out my baby plants, why don't I take a look at the wooden spatula
I use to stir my potting soil?

***  Cue ominous music***

Wait... what?  What is that fuzzy white stuff all over my spatula?!?
I'm sure it's nothing... nothing...  it's just moldy because
it's been closed up in a container with damp potting soil.

*** ominous music gets louder***

Now, how are the seedlings doing?

Lookin' good, Sungold tomatoes!  You're getting your second set of leaves!

Standing tall, sunflowers!  You're off to a great start!

Whoa, zucchinis!  You are bustin' out of your peat pot!

Hey, basil and marigolds!  You're....

*** ominous music hits a screeching crescendo***


Do you see that? Do you see that yellow and white funk all over the outside of the pots?
It's on the surface of the soil, too!

What kind of cooties are on my pots?!?

Some quick Googling explains that I have MOLD because my pots are too damp.
ME!  Over-watering!!!

I just got bit in the booty by the Hubris Fairy.  I confidently wrote in 
my last post that I didn't need drainage holes in my pots, 
since I've never killed a plant with over-watering.


I'm going to try again.  I promised my Sweet Man I would try to save 
some of the baby plants, and I'll re-sow some more seeds.

For the sake of Science, I'm going to use both new newspaper pots, 
and some little Dixie cups.

AND... I'm going to poke a hole in the bottom of those Dixie cups.

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