Friday, July 26, 2013

You Can Be Too Rich Or Too Thin, But You Can Never Have Too Many Tomatoes

how's the garden looking?

Sungolds are coming in...

Tangerines have several nice-sized tomatoes on the vine...

Oooo... that's a hefty Marvel Stripe!

But... what's this?

Hey there, little fella!  What are you doing in a pot with my impatiens?

I planted some annuals using a combination of recycled potting soil
and mostly-broken-down homemade compost,
and some tomato seeds must have been in the mix.
When this little guy popped up, I decided I'd give it a chance.

I had an area where some zucchini plants ("Ronde de Nice", for the record)
just toyed with me before shriveling up and dying.

I figured this tough little tomato plant couldn't do worse.

I added compost, compost, and more compost, and...

That's better!

But what will it be?
A cherry tomato?  An heirloom? A bland supermarket tomato? A new hybrid?

 Only time will tell!


  1. I still think that's too many tomatoes.

    BTW, in your "about me" it says you are a fan of Leslie KNOPP. How dare you.

    1. You are just JEALOUS of my tomatoes!

      And unless you took a screenshot, you have no proof I misspelled the Divine Miss KnopE's name.
