Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Chowing Down In Ireland


It was time to leave Annie's Cottage and head to Galway.

People asked, "Why Ireland?" before I left,
and one of the reasons is that there wouldn't be a language barrier
 for our first foray outside the States.

Well, not much of a language barrier.

(And yes, I must admit that between the four of us
we spoke no more than a smattering* of five other languages.
So that deficit is on us.)

(*"Smattering" equals being able to ask where the library is.)

 We stopped in the town of Ennis for lunch at a tasty pizza place.

It really was not bad pizza!
(Cue the sound of ominous foreshadowing music, which will be explained in the next entry.)

And speaking of food...

A Brief Digression on Food in Ireland

We ate out a meal or two a day,
and picked up stuff from the grocery store
or ate at the hotel breakfast buffets for the others.

There was food that was delicious...

... and just plain genius.

Hazelnut Yoplait, y'all!

I wondered why this wasn't available in the bread section in the States...

... and I was surprised to see a not-common family name turn up on a product.

(This was the family name of one of my Irish forefathers.)

We ate a lot of cheese and bread and drinkable yogurt for our grocery-store meals,
and it wasn't until The Girl requested it that, duh, 
we realized we should have bought some non-perishable peanut butter at the beginning.

See the Statue of Liberty on the jar?


There was only one meal that was really not good,
but I'll write about that tomorrow.

Back to Ennis!

We would often see reminders of the States,
such as this perplexing sign in an Ennis shop window:

And sometimes we'd see things that would just make us go,

But after walking around a bit,
it was time to crawl back in the car...

 ... and get to the hotel in Galway.

 Which, yay! had WiFi.

***   ***   ***   ***   ***   ***

Fish and some not-Gringo food.


  1. Hey- did the Little Library have more books taken out while you were visiting the Emerald Isle?

    1. Yes! A LOT! And there were a couple of notes, too. It's been steady since then.

  2. Good to hear! Perhaps a follow up posting after all the tales o' Ireland.

    1. Yep, I'm planning on it! It'll be nice to go back to just weekly updates.
