Saturday, September 1, 2012

Teacher Lifehacker

I'm doing fun stuff this three-day weekend, so here's just a teacher quickie.

The teacher I'm working with this year records passing grades in black,
failing grades in red.

I was getting ready to juggle two pens when she showed me this nifty trick:

Just rubber-band a red and black/blue pen together,
and both are in your hand!

Thanks, Professor McGonagall Ms. M.!


  1. Clever! And I noticed you made sure to give Mr. Longbottom a terrible score in Potions and a great on in Herbology. Is that Hermione's name covered with the pens... who got 110 in Herbology? ;)

    1. It is indeed the clever Ms. Granger who got a 110 in Herbology! Like I said, I thought I'd do this as a quickie post, and spent entirely too much time on getting this grade sheet juuust right.
