Sunday, September 23, 2012

Books, Books, and More Books

As an enthusiastic book lover, educator, and former librarian, 
I have... a few... books around the house.

(A note to my sister:  this is a humorous representation!  No need to call Hoarders!)

So when I ran out of bookshelves and needed a place for some of my series,
I turned to my extra wooden crates.

You may remember them from this project --

-- or this plea for someone to please, please, take some of my tomato seedlings
off my hands.

It turns out they're the perfect size for two Cutie boxes,
which in turn are the perfect size for most paperbacks.

If you want to make them taller and sturdier, 
you could just use nylon zip ties.

But going two high is both steady and easy to dismantle if they need to be moved.
They would work well as a dorm room bookcase, yes?
They could be used to move things,
and then flipped on their side to hold manga and chunky Penguin classics.

Cool crate bookcases: easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy!

Harry Potter Quilt Update, Part Deux!

My second Harry Potter quilt, 35" x 45", is now available in my shop.

Remember, Dammit, Minnie readers are always entitled to 10% off,
with the sale code MINNIE at checkout!

ETA:  I sold this quilt,
but more are coming soon!


  1. Hey admitted that the actual dust bunnies in your home were not as white as those depicted in the picture.

    1. They not as white, but they're also not as numerous!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks! I just made a receiving blanket with a snitch on it:
