Saturday, October 18, 2014

Throwback... Saturday?

My sister recently unearthed some photos from her garage:

Nope, that's not some gauzy Instagram filter;
it's an honest-to-goodness photo from 1972.

I'm the one standing in the back, and the tiny red-haired lady?
My great-grandma O.B.,
born Ernestine Stockstill in 1898.

Here she is as a pretty young girl:

Family lore is that her father was a riverboat gambler,
and whether or not that is true, 
she certainly had both the affinity for cards
and the salty language to make it believable.

I dunno... I love how easy cellphones and digital cameras
have made taking a photo,
but I worry we'll lose out on the delight of finding an old photo.


  1. I have been thoroughly enjoying taking a walk down memory lane thumbing through old photos and keepsakes; some, not so sure why I'm keeping....

    1. I know. I'll bet you have a meeellion baby photos of Sierra, a bunch of them taken just seconds apart.
