Sunday, October 12, 2014

Speedy-Quick Quilt

A quickie post for a quickie quilt!

I had this amaaaazing mermaid fabric.

But those mermaids are about nine to ten inches high! 
To show 'em off, I would need huuuuuge blocks.

So instead, I decided to go old school...

...and use a big ole piece of the fabric, uncut.

Here's what I did!

I used:
about 1 1/4 yards center fabric
about 1 1/4 yards of the framing border fabric
about 3/4 yards binding fabric
six different strips of 3 1/2" wide fabric

backing fabric


First, I cut the mermaid fabric about 40"- 41" wide by 56" - 57" long.

(I made sure not to cut off any mermaid heads.)

Then for the framing border, I cut 12 strips of fabric,
3 1/2" wide across the width, 
and for the binding I cut 7 strips,
also 3 1/2" wide.
(I like a nice wide binding.)

Now, depending on the width of the fabric, you might only need
11 of the framing border strips; 
sometimes fabric ends up 44" wide;
sometimes 40" wide.
But 12 strips will ensure you have enough.

 Sew those border strips together into one looong strip.
Do the same with the binding strips.

Now, take your six different fancy border fabrics
and cut them each into RANDOM sixths.
Don't make them all the same length!

I added a little bit of the binding fabric, 
but it turned out I didn't need it.

Sew those into one looooong strip, too.
(I did them in the same order, but you do you.)

 Then I just sewed on one framing border,
lay out the fancy border and sewed it on,
then added the outside framing border.

I quilted it all over,
bound it with a 1/2" wide finished binding, and...

Boom!  Done!

I doubt it took me more than ten hours from start to finish.
It nicely fits the top of my full futon,
and it really brightens up my spare room!

Ask me in the comments!


  1. That mermaid sure has a big rack. Too bad the ukulele blocks it sometimes.

    Oh wait. I was supposed to have a question. Oh.

    -- Are there any squares where the chick just lets it all hang out? I'm asking for a friend.

    1. "Where she lets it all hang out"? Maaaaybe on the back of the quilt... :)
