Saturday, February 16, 2013

Evidently, I Am A Tasty Doggy Treat

This week, I got bit by a dog.  A pit bull. On the leg.

What a cliche!

I hated that there wasn't much funny about the story, except for the fact that the guy told me the dog was up on his rabies shots because "he was going to Hawaii."

Why couldn't this have been a more interesting injury?
I couldn't have been treed by a trio of these dogs?

Dove into the bed of a Chevy truck to avoid a murderous rabbit?

Had a ferret leave a heart-shaped chomp on my booty?

Instead, bitten.  In the leg.  By a pit bull.

Oh, brother.


But the bunny with murder in his heart made me think of this brilliant movie...

... and then this character:

"None shall pass tell a boring injury story!"

And I found a way to cheer myself up:

I think if the Black Knight still had any arms...

 he'd give me a round of applause.


  1. Replies
    1. Yep, the bruise is almost all gone. After all, "'Tis but a scratch!"

    2. Your photos were a hoot! what, no owl photo?)
      That's what I love about you, Beth...your wonderful sense of humor! Glad you are ok....could have been horrible.
      Bunny looks like he is singing opera?

    3. I've seen that bunny photo with the caption, "Iiiiiii will always love youuuuuuuu!!!!" :)
