Thursday, June 14, 2012

Look At Your Dad. Now Look At MY Dad...

Just look at this guy:

You can tell right away he's a Fun Dad, right?

But he wasn't the kind of Fun Dad who just showed up on the weekends, 
took me and my sister out for ice cream, then disappeared for a couple of weeks.

Nope, he was the kind of dad who was both fun and there.
There for dinner, softball games, trips to the snow,
the lazy Saturday afternoons watching an old show on TV.

(Though a more accurate stock photo would show me on the sofa behind my dad, putting little pigtails all over his hair.  He adores head-scratches, and would put up with girly hairdos if it meant he could get his head-pets.)

He's also the handiest person I know; he could fix anything from
my favorite copper bracelet to my funny little Renault, a car he both rebuilt AND repainted.

(Ignore the unfortunate seventies perm, and focus on that sweet ride.)

My dad had -- and still has -- a big laugh and a great sense of fun.
I don't remember him ever labeling anything as "kids' stuff", so he went on
hang-gliding or trampolining,  roller-coaster riding or bungee-jumping,
 as long as he wanted to. 

(Not my actual dad.  I believe he was about sixty when he gave the big rubber-band a try.)

The best gift my dad ever gave me was the gift of craft.
Watching him pour a cement front porch, or install a shower, or build a brick wall, 
I learned at a young age the satisfaction of creating something with your own two hands.

And as this blog attests, I've continued to do that.

So, thanks, Dad!  I'm glad I had you for a father.

And for you and all the other dads out there:

Happy Father's Day!

ETA:  This is how extraordinary my dad is:  I didn't even remember to bring up that he was a wild animal trainer when I was a kid!

I mean, of course he was!  Didn't everyone grow up with monkeys and bears and big cats?
We spent a few months in Florida raising actual bear cubs in our house!

Yep, that's me, five years old with a bear cub!

And here's Dad, my sister and me riding a real, live, elephant:

So, yeah, 
top that, Internet.

Many thanks to my sister, Vic, who added her own memories of growing up with Dad
in the comments below, and provided the cool cheetah photo above.


  1. Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My....not a problem with Dad. Not many people I know had Dad's that would put his girls in a Bear's cage or on the back of an elephant; would strap them to a hang glider and send them down a hill or teach them ice skating in Southern California. Air shows, car shows, camping, bowling...I don't think it every occurred to either him or us that these were things most boys dreamed of. So thanks, Dad, I wouldn't trade my garage full of tools for all the girly things in the world.
