Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Easiest DIY In The History Of Ever

As I detailed in this post,
I have a stack of recipes from Pinterest, magazines, etc.

But when using them?
My counter space can be problematic.

But last week, I totally Lady MacGyver-ed the easiest recipe holder EVER.


Yep, a paperclip and a rubber band.

And as a special bonus image,
evidence of my housewife trashiness:

I wanted the cabinet door to be semi-clean,
but I didn't even bother to clean anything that wouldn't be pictured.

Because that's how I roll.


  1. Housewife trashiness wouldn't fully be measured until you answered the question: "Did you leave the cabinets as is, or clean the other?"

    1. HA! I didn't even THINK of cleaning the other cabinet!
