Tuesday, August 6, 2013

The Path To Home Improvement Never Does Run Smoothly

Since I lazily let the lawn die am environmentally responsible,
I'm replacing the lawn with low-water plants.

(Things are looking pretty trashy right now. 
The Boy keeps daring me to park my car on the lawn.)

But before I could plant, I needed to fix the sprinklers.
I've replaced sprinklers many times before, 
so easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy, right?


When removing one of the old sprinklers, the stupid riser broke off in the...
oh, I don't know what it's called. The t-shaped thingy?

I dug away at it with a blade and a screwdriver and whatever other sharp tool I could find,
but the dang thing refused to budge.

I thought, maybe?  I could jam a cork in it and try twisting it out?


(Oh, my Lord.  Do NOT do a Google image search for "Nope."
You will see things -- giant spiders and eyeball stuff and freaky ghost children -- 
that you cannot unsee!)

I poked and fussed and dug at the thing
until I finally just lied down on the sidewalk and cried a little.

But I rallied, and hit the internets,
and found there was a tool that was supposed to help.

I headed to Home Depot, and picked up one of these...

... and on the way home decided to get some comfort food:
a smoothie and fries from MacDonald's.

And why is this a comfort food?

Because when I was a kid, in the pre-Happy Meal days,
my mom used to let me order a shake and fries for lunch from MickyDees.

 I love sixties moms.

They're all, "Carrot sticks are for dirty hippies!"

Anyhoo, I jammed the ewww-named "Plastic Nipple Extractor" into the opening,and...


 I had managed to make the whole situation worse
with my previous fiddling and digging.*



So I ate my highly-nutritious meal,
and decided to try again in the morning.

The next day I went to an actual plumbing place, 
and the guy there pointed me to something called a "slip pipe."

I cut out the old pipe...

...glued the slip pipe to one end...

glued the new t-shaped thingy...

and then TELESCOPED the pipe over to the other end!



Now, let me get to some planting!

* To be fair to the Nipple Extractor,
 it DID work on another broken riser that I hadn't worried like a dog with a bone.


  1. takläggare malmö provides home improvement services for any area of your home and offer professional windows contractors, doors, siding, roofing contractors. It's important to select a contractor that you know and can rely on. Join our family!

    1. Well, jd, since your website is in a language heavy on the umlauts, I don't think we're on the same CONTINENT, much less the same area. Thanks anyway!

  2. Skinny as a Twizzler! Haha! I've never heard that saying.

    Don't park the car on the lawn- find a broken toilet to put out there. It'll go with the reading library concept you got going on.

    1. It's true! I put extra sugar on my Lucky Charms cereal, but I still was just a skinny thing. And I DID have an old toilet at my last place, planted with flowers! Oh, I envy my neighbors.

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