Monday, May 28, 2012

A Victim Of My Own Success

How many seeds should you sow for your garden?

It turns out, poking about EIGHTEEN Sungold tomato seeds into starting pots
when you want about THREE plants is probably overkill:

So... yeah.  After putting sixteen tomato plants into my garden,
I ended up with SIXTY-TWO extra little tomato plants.

Someone better take some of these off my hands,
or I'm going to have to sneak some onto the neighbors' doorsteps at night.

ETA:  I took a bunch of extras into work, and they were gone, baby, gone within hours.
I took the rest in the next day and again, I saw staff member after staff member
leaving the break room clutching a new tomato plant!

So maybe... I'll plant as many next year, too.

People love getting a new baby tomato plant!