Monday, September 30, 2013

Pimp Mah Bathroom

Beware a flipped house.

The people who do the flipping never have to live in it,
so they don't have to live with the consequences of their "upgrades."

Case in point:  my bathroom.

The guy who flipped our house 
covered the bathroom counter with four inch white tile with white grout,
and didn't put any cabinets above the sinks.

This meant we had to root around under the sinks for any cosmetics/toiletries,
which meant said cosmetics/toiletries usually ended up just staying on the counter.

Even I, with my lax housekeeping skills, was tired of it.

What to do?

Well, I headed out to Bed Bath and Beyond with my sheaf of giant blue coupons...

... and picked up a wooden shoe rack.

At the 99 Cent store, I got some little tubs.

Then I got to work assembling!

I was not happy with the results.
It looked like I had built an altar to, I don't know, clear skin and healthy gums.

"Oh, great Goddess Dermatica, please get rid of this zit before my big presentation."

So I sawed off a level, and added a curtain to the front.

Much better!

"Look!" I told The Sweet Man.
"Now we'll be able to wipe off the counters!"

"Yeah, we won't be doing that," he replied.

And... fair enough.


  1. Bed Bath and Beyond is evil, and more than 90% of all the stuff they sell is not made in America. And I'm being kind with that percentage.

    With that said, good luck with that above counter doo-hickie. My feeling is it won't last - it's nice, but seems like a lot to keep looking nice. YMMV

    1. Oh, it's made of balsa wood. I could have sawed it down with nail file. But what do you mean about "a lot to keep looking nice"? It's the exact same stuff that was messing up my counter, except now it's in little tubs behind a curtain.
