Monday, July 28, 2014

Visit From My Pa

So, what have I been up to lately?

Well, I got to participate in a mini-family reunion!

My aunt and cousin set this up,
and I got to see some cousins and cousins-once-removed
who I haven't seen in over a decade!

Hug Time!

Making the trip from soggy Minnesota was my dad;
since The Girl and I enjoyed ourselves when we went there...

 I thought we'd hit Duff's CakeMix.

My dad wasn't so sure at first...

... but he was game,
and soon we had two fancy cakes to take to the reunion.

However, we did find something on our way back
through the hellish LA traffic that he was excited about:

My dad says he's wanted to try Pink's for about twenty years,
so of course we stopped for some dawgs for lunch.

(They had a veggie dog, btw, if like me you're so inclined.)

And what did my dad think?

As you can see by his face,
he was pretty dang excited.

So, all in all, a good day.
He got his his Polish dog,
a story to take home about nutty California...

...where they pay big bucks to decorate their own cakes.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The First Step Is Recognizing You Have A Problem...

I may have a little book hoarding problem...

.... but I'm trying to deal with it.

Now, let's see how long my good intentions last.

The Indignities Of Middle Age


 I finally broke down and bought wax strips, 
to deal with what felt like a handlebar mustache...

... and my first eyebrow pencil to color over my grey brows.

I'm quite the looker now!