Woo! Time for the unveiling!
and now it's time to share it with the Wide, Wide World of Web!
I give you,
the Little Free Library!
Isn't it awesome?
I read about the Little Free Library movement in the LA Times last summer,
and vowed to make one for myself.
I love, love love sharing books,
and thought building my own box would be a piece of cake.
(Spoiler alert...
... it was NOT a piece of cake.)
My woodworking skills are rudimentary at best,
and mistakes were definitely made.
But after a month of Sundays,
it looked like I was finished.
Anything bigger than a paperback wouldn't fit!
So I went back to work, adding another story.
I learned a few things from the first go around, such as:
mark a channel, instead of a single line, for cutting,
so that the end results will be more accurate.
And, use one of those L-shaped thingies to keep things lined up
while attaching them together.
Also, pony up the freakin' $30 for a power screwdriver,
instead of laboriously doing forty-eleven screws manually.
So after another month of Sundays,
my fine Little Free Library was ready to take out to the sidewalk.
Do you see what I used for the roof?
The idea literally came to me in a dream.
I originally was going to do the library in soft, ocean shades,
and shingle the roof with river rocks.
But once I got the painting done,
I realized that while the rocks may have worked with the Shaker-like simplicity
of the boxes offered on the Little Free Library site...
... my color choices were just too Afro-Circus
for anything but an unconventional roof.
Afro! Circus! Afro!
Polka-dot, Polka-dot, Polka-dot! Afro!
So if you're in Simi Valley, California, stop on by!
I'm on the map!
You'll be able to check out books
with a "no-shush" guarantee.