I have a leeetle bit of a hoarding problem.
No, it's not back issues of Vogue, or empty soup cans, or cats.
(Shut up... five cats doesn't count as "hoarding.")
It's BOOKS, lovely, lovely books.
And it's not enough to have a book; no, if it's a book I love,
I must also have a hardcover edition:
(Minnie is also a fan of Louis Sachar's Newbery-winning Holes.)
My local library's "Friends of the Library" bookstore is an excellent source of inexpensive paperbacks -- I can leave with an armload of books for less than ten dollars.
But when it's hardcovers I crave, I head to BetterWorldBooks.
This fine online company receives used books from donations, drives, and library discards;
sells them online, and uses a portion of the profits to fund literacy programs and libraries.
Here's where you can learn more about them.
Take a look at my latest haul!
I got eight books from them for only $24.40!
That works out to only $3.50 per hardback book!
Why were these books so cheap? They were in the "Bargain Bin," because of one reason:
The library-ness of them!
Do I care that there's an envelope and bar code in the front of the book?
Not at all!
In fact, it adds to the value of the book for me.
I can pretend I have my own personal library.
Even better is when a book has an actual date-stamp sheet in the front:
Seeing those crooked dates stamped just fills my nerdy-girl heart with glee.
(Btw: the only negative is those stickers on the spine are tricky to get off. But I'll address how I rejuvenate used books in another post.)